Tag Archive for: cancer diagnsosis

Close-up image of a young African child wearing a cartoon pattern t-shirt, looking directly at the camera. The child's left eye has a noticeable white glow. Over the softly focused background, white text reads What if their eye is telling you something? Below a horizontal golden line is the gold KNOW THE GLOW® logo and the text PREVENT CHILDHOOD BLINDNESS. In the bottom right corner are the Kenyan flag and crests of the government and Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi.

Gut Feelings Matter: How Parent Instinct and Intuition Detect Childhood Eye Cancer Early

Strong parent instinct and intuition often lead to a child’s eye cancer diagnosis. Rb Survivor and WE C Hope CEO, Abby White explores what they are and how they differ, why they are so important for retinoblastoma early detection, why primary care providers should take them seriously, and how they impacted the diagnosis journey of four children.

A young African boy with short, curly black hair and a big, cheerful smile looks directly at the camera. He's wearing a cosy knitted blue sweater over a white collared shirt, and His right arm is flexed in a gesture of strength. The pupil of his right eye has a prominent pearly glow. Overlaying the wooden fence background, bold white text states "NO CHILD SHOULD DIE FROM UNDETECTED EYE CANCER." Below is a horizontal golden line. In the bottom left corner, the gold "KNOW THE GLOW®" logo is followed by the text "PREVENT CHILDHOOD BLINDNESS" in a smaller font. In the bottom right corner are the Kenyan flag and crests of the government and Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi.

Between Shadow and Light: Young Lives in Jeopardy from Retinoblastoma

Worldwide, children and their families grapple with life-threatening eye cancer due to delayed diagnosis and care. Unchecked, retinoblastoma has far-reaching consequences. Through two family stories, WE C Hope CEO Abby White explores the impacts of low awareness, slow referral, and delayed care, and the life-saving, sight-saving opportunities they reveal.

Close up of a smiling, playful young African boy with a shaved head, who appears to be leaning against a tree. He has big, bright, happy eyes, one of which has a creamy glow in the pupil. He is wearing a light blue sweater. Across the blurred background, bold white text reads "HELP IDENTIFY CHILDHOOD EYE CANCER EARLY".

A Glint or a Squint Could Be Your Hint: Knowledge is Key to Retinoblastoma Early Diagnosis

Critical clues to a child’s eye cancer hide in plain sight. Parent and physician knowledge, and ability to spot these silent signs are vital to early detection, swift referral, and prompt diagnosis. Meet five children from around the world whose parents’ curiosity, nagging concern, and action were pivotal to their diagnosis and life-saving, sight-saving care.