Daisy endured four years of treatment in England and Canada in a marathon battle to overcome cancer in both eyes. Her family set up a fund to help meet the costs of her care in Toronto. When they heard of Rati’s plight, shortly after their return to England in Summer 2004, they wanted to share with her family the hope they had been given.
Rati’s delayed diagnosis and poor care in Africa threatened her life. Daisy’s family funded travel to Toronto for the toddler and her mother, and made a significant donation to the initial costs of her care in Canada.
Daisy’s Eye Cancer Fund (now World Eye Cancer Hope) evolved from that generosity, creating a light within the darkness this cancer has brought to Daisy’s life. Her experience is helping to save the lives and sight of children in other countries who are just as loved and valuable to the world, and that is a very special gift.
Daisy’s experience reminds us that early diagnosis of retinoblastoma is critical to provide the best opportunities for saving a child’s sight. Rati taught us that many opportunities to save children’s lives are missed in developing regions of the world,
Limited resources, poor awareness and poverty condemn 8 in 10 children to a slow and agonizing death. Yet simple changes can prevent this curable cancer from becoming a terrible death sentence.
Daisy and Rati inspire us every day on our journey to develop high quality sustainable care that protects life and sight for every child, and cares for their lifelong needs.