Know the Glow (KTG) aims to globally eliminate preventable early childhood blindness by raising public awareness of the Glow (leukocoria) and the more than twenty different glow-related eye diseases it can signify, driving action toward early detection, diagnosis, and treatment.
Know the Glow produces educational resources, leads early detection advocacy work, supports research, shares patient family stories, doctor stories, and works with international NGOs. They develop targeted digital social media campaigns and supporting resources to build multi-lingual awareness that helps in detecting early childhood blindness around the world.
Visit Know the Glow’s website to learn more about their work and where the term “know the glow” originates. Visit their YouTube channel for a range of informative PSAs.
In 2021, Know the Glow’s founder and Executive Director, Megan Webber, presented at One Rb World, during an awareness-focused session titled “The Global Glow”. The session was moderated by KTG director and Rb parent, Cindy Mays. Watch the full session below. [will be embedded]