One Rb World 2017 Was Live Streamed
We wanted to make One Rb World 2017 truly a global event. We wanted parents, survivors and medical professionals to join us from across the USA and around the world, even if they couldn’t travel to Washington D.C.
We were delighted to enable our wish by live streaming the program on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 October.
135 parents, survivors, other relatives and medical professionals registered from 23 countries on 6 continents. The final number of viewers was higher as the livestream direct link became shared with friends and colleagues.
Live stream viewers were able to interact with speakers and participate in discussions by sending written comments and questions via the live stream system. Their comments were received and shared by several dedicated volunteers in the conference room.
We regret that we were unable to live stream the Family and Survivor Day program or the Break Out sessions, due to the nature of this program content.
All live streamed sessions were captured on video, as were our Family & Survivor Day sessions. We are excited to bring you this content from One Rb World, even if you were unable to join us in Washington D.C. or via livestream.
We worked with a volunteer editor to prepare these videos for viewing online after the event. This process involved significant work, and we are thankful for the time and energy generously given.
Below is a complete playlist of all viewable content from the meeting. Click the menu tab in the top right corner to jump directly to any of the 14 sessions, or visit the Playlist page for fully accessible navigation.