Close-up of a young African boy smiling broadly. He has short hair and wears a blue tank top. The background is blurred with warm, earthy tones. Overlaying text reads: A photo can identify cancer in a child’s eye. Below a horizontal golden line is the gold KNOW THE GLOW® logo and the text PREVENT CHILDHOOD BLINDNESS. In the bottom right corner are the Kenyan flag and crests of the government and Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi.

Pearls of Light: The Pathway to Retinoblastoma Early Detection

Early diagnosis of retinoblastoma saves children’s lives, and offers the best opportunity for safe vision saving therapy. But worldwide, many children are diagnosed late. KnowTheGlow founder, Megan Webber, and WE C Hope USA President, Marissa D. Gonzalez discuss how our early detection partnership evolved, and update on the progress we’re making for children in Africa and Asia.

Three sets of eyes represent different ethnic groups, each labelled with their respective ethnicity. The “White” eyes show bright red reflex, the “Asian” eyes display a yellowish reflex, and the 'Black' eyes have a creamy-white reflex. These colours are visible in the pupils of the eyes.

The Arclight and Fundal Reflex Test: Shining the Light on Retinoblastoma

Screening children’s eyes with the Fundal “Red” Reflex is key to early detection of retinoblastoma, but until recently, it was difficult to deliver in many countries. Dr Andrew Blaikie, ophthalmologist and clinical lead for the Arclight Project at the University of St Andrews, describes the importance of this simple exam, and how the Arclight improves eye health access and outcomes for children with eye cancer around the world.

Side-by-side photos of two young girls with a text overlay. On the left, a smiling Caucasian girl with wispy light brown hair, wearing a floral dress, holds a bouquet of daisies. She is outdoors, bathed in sunlight. On the right, a smiling African girl with short black hair relaxes on a colourful plaid sofa. She is wearing a pink top with a ruffled neckline, and rests her cheek on her hand. Across the top, in cursive script, text reads "Daisy Gave Rati Hope".

From One Child to One Rb World: Our Foundation Story

Daisy’s Eye Cancer Fund (now World Eye Cancer Hope) evolved from the generosity of one family sharing hope with another at opposite ends of the earth, creating light within the darkness that retinoblastoma brought to their lives. Rb Survivor and Daisy Fund co-founder, Abby White, shares Rati’s story, and how her experience led to our hope-building work today.

A large group of people gather together for a group photo. Some are wearing beaded t-shirts showing the Daisy Fund logo.

From One Child to One Rb World: WE C Hope for Retinoblastoma Care

In the first half of this article, we met Rati and Daisy, two young children with retinoblastoma who inspired the foundation of Daisy’s Eye Cancer Fund in 2004. In part 2, Rb Survivor and Daisy Fund co-founder, Abby White, reflects on what happened after Rati died – our journey to World Eye Cancer Hope (WE C Hope), One Rb World, and advocacy for all children, survivors and families.

Close-up of a toddler with blue eyes, one of which has a creamy glow in the pupil. The child’s mouth is slightly open, with a curious or surprised expression. The child wears a pastel lilac jacket. The background is blurred and indistinct, putting the focus on the child's face. Overlaying the background, bold white text states "PREVENT CHILDHOOD BLINDNESS." Below is a thin yellow horizontal line.

Illuminating a Child’s Health: The Power of Glow Awareness and Innovation in Detecting Retinoblastoma

Worldwide, many children with eye cancer are diagnosed late.  Early diagnosis saves lives, and offers the best opportunity for safe vision saving therapy.  Leukocoria awareness advocate, Megan Webber, explores why glow awareness and community eye screening are vital to early detection and referral, and how KnowTheGlow and WE C Hope are helping to ensure children receive timely, effective care.

Four ladies in party dress stand in front of a royal blue backdrop with a sign in bright turquoise blue and magenta that says Hope Without Boundaries.

Beyond Borders: Retinoblastoma in Africa and the Pacific

We recap a highly successful first conference in Africa for the International Society of Ocular Oncology, and look forward to One Retinoblastoma World 2024 in Honolulu, Hawaii. With One Rb World meeting co-chairs Dr. Jesse L. Berry, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, USA; Sandra E. Staffieri PhD, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia; and Marissa D. Gonzalez, World Eye Cancer Hope USA.

An illustration of a syringe holding medicine. The syringe casts a long shadow in the shape of a dollar symbol.

Investing in Hope: The Quest to Fund Retinoblastoma Research

Research funding is vital to improve retinoblastoma early diagnosis, life and sight-saving treatment, family support, survivor care, and cancer prevention. But securing the funds for rare cancer research is very tough, often demoralising for researchers and clinician-scientists. Three retinoblastoma researchers share their experience, and two organizations helping to drive Rb research forward invite you to help.

A group of people representing diverse ethnic backgrounds are sitting or standing around a table scattered with post-it notes. They are deep in conversation, and several are reaching out to move post-it notes into new positions on the table.

United Against Retinoblastoma: The Importance of Global Data and Collaboration

Understanding how retinoblastoma affects children is critical to improve diagnosis, treatment, support and outcomes for all.  Mattan Arazi, M.D and Ido Didi Fabian, M.D., MPH, world-focused ophthalmologists from Sheba Medical Centre, Israel, explore why global data and collaboration are so important in Rb research, and the knowledge, progress, and hope they are building for families and professional teams worldwide.

a baby chews an anaesthetic mask

Retinoblastoma Treatment at One Rb World

Prompt, appropriate medical care is vital for all children with retinoblastoma. A range of treatments are used depending on extent of the cancer, its risk of spread, and the child’s health and wellbeing. Sessions at every One Rb World explore aspects of medical care, and how we can ensure the best possible outcomes for each child. Below, we share sessions from the 2017, 2020, and 2021 meetings.

Dan Gombos presents on the challenges of obtaining effective care for the adult with distant history of Rb. The slide behind him is titled “When It’s Time For Change” and reads: Once cured – the team may change; Few transition to a survivorship clinic; Even less to a survivorship clinic with Rb experience; Some children are never told of their diagnosis; Children grow up, move, and may live very far from any Rb specialists.

Retinoblastoma Survivorship at One Rb World

Retinoblastoma is a complex cancer with potentially significant and serious lifelong impacts for the survivor and all family members. Sessions at every One Rb World explore the risks and challenges survivors and families encounter beyond childhood eye cancer, and how we can improve comprehensive survivorship care throughout life. Below, we share sessions from the 2017, 2020, and 2021 meetings.