Tag Archive for: friendships

View from a rollercoaster about to drop down steeply towards a river bathed in sunlight and surrounded by verdure.

The Retinoblastoma Rollercoaster

The rollercoaster ride is unexpected, wild and frightening when a child is diagnosed with retinoblastoma. The greatest comfort is knowing you are not alone on the journey. Lori Baños, creator and moderator of the Facebook group Rb Moms, reflects on the experience, with insightful contributions from group members.

Rowan and Harry sit at a table, chatting.

Friendships Through Retinoblastoma

A diagnosis of childhood cancer can leave parents feeling adrift and utterly alone. The friends who walk with them through their child’s medical care are often cherished lifelong, and from a central thread in their own healing. Megan Santos reflects on the many friendships formed before, during and after her daughter’s treatment for retinoblastoma.