Jayne and a child are pictured wearing long yarn wigs of different colours.

Jayne Kamau, My Friend and Colleague

On March 10, 2019, our beloved child life specialist Jayne Kamau died aboard Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 as she returned home from SIOPAfrica in Cairo. WE C Hope Child Life Director, Morgan Livingstone, reflects on more than a decade of mentoring, friendship and working together to advance child life in Kenya. Co-authored with WE C Hope CEO, Abby White.

Rati with her new eye during treatment in Canada.

Rati’s Hope-filled Legacy, Ten Years On

Today we celebrate Rati, the beautiful, bright, bubbly butterfly who came so briefly into our lives, changed us all so dramatically and inspired the foundation of WE C Hope. Ultimately, expert care came too late and we could not save her life. Rati had plans of her own though. She taught us to see and hear and understand the needs of families like her own, and she challenged us to do something to help change their experience of retinoblastoma.

Child4Child by Childhood Cancer International - text above a partial image of a globe covered in glowing lights to show the location of participating chikdren.

Child4Child – Young Singers Worldwide Unite For New Childhood Cancer Single

Child4Child invites the world’s children join in the chorus of a new song created by Disney’s Frozen Composer, Christophe Beck. Performed by some of YouTube’s top singing kids, “We Are One” will be released on International Childhood Cancer Day, February 15, including the voices of children from around the world.

Close encounters with Giraffe.

Trek for Hope: a golden opportunity to make a difference.

Looking forward to Daisy Fund’s Africa Bush Trek marking Childhood Cancer Month 2014, Abby White recalls her 2005 adventure through Tanzania’s captivating wilderness. An epic experience raising funds that bring hope of life and sight saving care to children with eye cancer and their families.

LifeCourage Firewalk

Walking Through The Fire

Beautiful Rati During Treatment.

In Her Memory…

11 years ago, a new baby girl was born in Botswana. Four short years later, retinoblastoma claimed her life. Her name means love, and today, her legacy continues to build hope for other children around the world.

Metal Gold Ribbon Lapel Pin.

Going for Gold to Reach Our Goal.

Recently, a number of people have asked why we promote the childhood cancer gold ribbon and not a ribbon uniquely for retinoblastoma. This is a good question – here are our three key reasons…

RbCoLab pathology scanner

Grand Challenges: Life Saving Cancer Pathology in Africa

Our Global Rb Scientist, Dr. Helen Dimaras, is leading a major initiative to advance digital pathology consultations at our pathology Lab in Nairobi, thanks to a $100,000 grant from Grand Challenges Canada. The digital RbCoLab will significantly improve care for each child by rapidly identifying their true risk and need for further treatment after their eye has been removed.

River Thames by Night

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?