Tag Archive for: retinoblastoma survivors

Dan Gombos presents on the challenges of obtaining effective care for the adult with distant history of Rb. The slide behind him is titled “When It’s Time For Change” and reads: Once cured – the team may change; Few transition to a survivorship clinic; Even less to a survivorship clinic with Rb experience; Some children are never told of their diagnosis; Children grow up, move, and may live very far from any Rb specialists.

Retinoblastoma Survivorship at One Rb World

Retinoblastoma is a complex cancer with potentially significant and serious lifelong impacts for the survivor and all family members. Sessions at every One Rb World explore the risks and challenges survivors and families encounter beyond childhood eye cancer, and how we can improve comprehensive survivorship care throughout life. Below, we share sessions from the 2017, 2020, and 2021 meetings.

A woman sits alone on a bench under a sprawling weeping willow tree in a park. She is facing away from the camera.

Retinoblastoma Survivors’ Perspectives on Long-Term Follow up Care

Many retinoblastoma survivors live with significant long term treatment impacts and second cancer risks. Yet most children, adult survivors and their families struggle to access appropriate ongoing care. Len Burns, a totally blind bilateral Rb survivor and licensed family therapist, highlights the most common survivor concerns, and potential ways to improve long term care and quality of life.

A male African doctor looks on as a female surgeon uses a handheld digital camera to examine a boy's eye during an exam under anaesthesia. Both doctors wear surgical scrubs, masks, gloves, and caps. A laptop computer sits open beside the female doctor, but the images projected from the camera onto its screen are not visible in the photo.

TNM Staging System for Retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is staged to help doctors describe the extent of cancer in a child’s body, define potential for cure, vision and eye salvage, identify the best treatments, and compare impact of different therapies. Dr. Ashwin Mallipatna explains the TNM Staging System for Retinoblastoma and why it is the best approach for patient care.

Eleni stands on a waterside path. A little distance behid her, a fountain shoots a tall jet of water high into the air.

Life After Enucleation: 8 Retinoblastoma Survivors Share Hope

Despite advances in eye saving therapy for retinoblastoma, removing a child’s eye remains the most common treatment worldwide. Rb survivor and WE C Hope CEO, Abby White, shares her perspective of life after enucleation, and experiences from seven fellow survivors, offering hope to parents facing the reality of enucleation.

A young girl wearing medical gloves, glasses and a stethascope prepares to practive a procedure on a medical play puppet.

6 Ways to Help Older Children and Teens Cope With and Conquer Hospital Anxiety

Many children and teenagers experience anxiety with medical interactions after retinoblastoma diagnosis.  Pediatric registered nurse and child life intern, Michelle Badejo, describes how hospital anxiety can manifest, and explores how parents can help them cope, be active participants in their ongoing care, and raise their quality of life.

Five smooth pebbles are stacked in decreasing size on a beach, where lively surf rolls into shore. The high sky is clear blue, with a few clouds above the horizon, which is lightly tinged with a pale peachy glow of sunrise or sunset.

Mindfulness Tips for Retinoblastoma Families and Supporting Teachers

Living with the daily effects of childhood eye cancer can be overwhelming, for all family members. Both the immediate crisis of diagnosis and treatment, and the long-term impacts and risks. Child Life Intern and Student Teacher, Meagan Fuller, highlights some simple mindfulness techniques parents and children can use to ease daily tension.